Welcome to Our Neurology Module
Lindsey Reynolds
Jalesa Hood
EEG Reading Prep for Adolescent
Hi Charlie! My name's Jalesa and I'm a Child Life Specialist. Do you know why you're here today?
My dad said the doctor wanted to test my brain because of the seizure I had.
Right. The test is called an EEG. It looks at your brain waves using wires to see if there's something going on it there that is causing your seizures. So I'm here to explain the test a little bit to you, okay?
Okay. Is the test going to hurt at all? And what do I have to do during it?
Kids have told me that they can't feel anything and all you have to do is lay still while the test is going on. The first thing the technician is going to do is lay down in this chair. Is that okay with you?
Yeah. That's fine.
Okay great! Next, the technican is going to use this measuring tape to measure your head and use a marker to mark where they are going to put these electrodes with this glue. Want to feel it?
Sure. Wow, it's really sticky. Are the marks going to come off?
Yes, the technician will clean all of it off when the test is over. The technician will put about 20 electrodes all around your scalp. When the test starts the wires on the electodes will send what your brain is doing to the machine.
Are you sure it won't hurt?
I've never had an EEG done, so I can't promise that your won't feel anything, but most kids tell me that they can't feel anything. The test will take about 30 minutes. I have an iPad or music you can listen to during the test? Would you like either of those?
I like listening to music. Do you have an Justin Beiber?
I do! I'll bring the CD in right before the procedure. Do you have any questions Charlie?
No I don't. Thanks for telling me what's going to happen.
No problem Charlie! If you think of any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Good luck on your EEG!