Welcome to Our Neurology Module
Lindsey Reynolds
Jalesa Hood
Developmental Pediatrician
This is a a doctor who is specialized in caring for infants and children who may not be achieving the appropriate milestones for their age. This type of pediatrician may conduct a developmental assessment to be able to refer a child experiencing delays to a specialized doctor.

Multidisciplinary Team
Due to the multitude of conditions that arise with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy, patients and their families often become involved with several medical specialists who work to develop a treatment plan for the child. Below are the most common members present on the child's multidisciplinary team:
Pediatric Neurologist
A doctor that specializes in treating brain disorders. After talking to a pediatrian about their child's health, it will likely be recommended for the child to see a Neurologist who will help to rule out other neurological conditions.


A radiologist is an important member in diagnosing Cerebral Palsy and determining the part of the brain that is most gravely impacted. Most children who are suspected to have CP will have an MRI to determine whether or not there is another probable cause for their physiology.
Orthopedic Surgeon
Orthopedic surgery is a valid treatment option for children experiencing a lot of pain and spasticity. An orthopedic surgeon is a doctor specialized in treating disorders that impact the musculoskeletal system, and is an important member of the team before and after surgery.


Because so many children with CP experience visual problems, an ophtamologist is essential. They are responsible for determining the best mode of treatment for visual acuity, whether that is through corrective lenses or more invasive surgery.
Physical Therapist

A physical therapist focuses on developing and strengthening a child's larger muscle groups such as the arms, legs, and abdomen. They may incorporate exercises, adaptive equipment, stretches, or other interventions to achieve optimal mobility.
Occupational Therapist

The primary goal of the occupational therapist is to enable the child to be able to function as independently and productively as possible. They aim to improve strength and coordination to help the child successfully adapt to school and home settings, and to practice self care.