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Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Prep for Adolescent 

Hi Matthew! My name is Lindsey and I'm a Child Life Specialist. I'm here to help make sure that you know about what is going to happen today. 

I have to get a pump to help my muscles relax. I hope it makes them less painful. 

That's right, while you are in surgery the doctors are going to implant a Baclofen pump. Baclofen is just the type of medicine that helps make you more comfortable. 

Okay, that would be helpful. 

So before the surgery you will have an IV with anasthesia that will help you to fall asleep before surgery, so you won't feel a thing. 

What are they going to do?

The doctor is going to make a cut on your stomach where the pump will be. The pump is about the size of a computer mouse. The other end of the pump will be thread to your spinal cord and will dispense the medicine. 

So what happens when I wake up?

When you wake up you will be in a recovery room. When you wake up you will have one cut on the middle of your back and one on your stomach. These might be sore. You will have to lie flat for three days and then the physical therapist will come work with you. During those days you might be sleepy but we can bring movies and an ipad in for you, if you'd like. 

I don't think so. Can I ask them later? 

Okay, I guess if it makes me feel better. 

Will you be able to see the pump?

When you wake up you will be abe to see where the pump is in your stomach. At first it might be big, but it should get smaller once the swelling lessens You will get an abdominal wrap that just wraps around your stomach for six weeks once the swelling goes down.  

Do you have any questions for me today?

Of course! If you have questions I'll try my best to answer them as well as I can! I will see you when you are out of surgery! Bye, Matthew!

(Bailey Matthews aged 8 with Cerebral Palsy finishing triathalon, 2015)

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